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Achieving Data Governance: Understanding and Utilizing Role Hierarchy in Salesforce

published 496 days, 18 hours, 59 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 504 days, 16 hours, 19 minutes ago
Monday, January 23, 2023 3:15:23 PM GMT Sunday, January 15, 2023 5:55:17 PM GMT
The blog post titled "Role Hierarchy in Salesforce" is a guide for Salesforce users and administrators that explains the concept of role hierarchy and how it is used in Salesforce. The post begins by defining role hierarchy and explaining how it is used to control access to data in Salesforce. The post explains that role hierarchy is a way to organize and manage user roles in Salesforce. It allows administrators to set up a hierarchical structure of roles, with higher-level roles having access to more d... (more)
category: Salesforce | clicked: 0 | comment | | source:
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Effortlessly Animate Your Webpages: Mastering CSS Transitions

published 496 days, 18 hours, 59 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 504 days, 16 hours, 27 minutes ago
Monday, January 23, 2023 3:15:23 PM GMT Sunday, January 15, 2023 5:47:34 PM GMT
The blog post titled "Using CSS Transitions" is a technical guide for web developers who want to learn how to use CSS transitions to animate elements on a webpage. The post is written by Mozilla Developer Network and it provides a comprehensive overview of how to use CSS transitions to create smooth and seamless animations. The post begins by introducing the basic concept of CSS transitions and how they work. It explains that CSS transitions allow developers to change the value of a CSS property over ti... (more)
category: CSS | clicked: 0 | comment | | source:
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Unleashing the Power of WordPress: Mastering Plugin Installation

published 496 days, 18 hours, 59 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 504 days, 16 hours, 30 minutes ago
Monday, January 23, 2023 3:15:23 PM GMT Sunday, January 15, 2023 5:44:21 PM GMT
The blog post titled "How to Add WordPress Plugins" is a guide for users who are new to WordPress and need help installing and using plugins on their website. The post begins by explaining what plugins are and how they can be used to add functionality and features to a WordPress website. The post then goes on to explain the two main ways to install plugins in WordPress: through the WordPress plugin repository and by uploading a plugin file. The post provides detailed instructions on how to install plugi... (more)
category: WordPress | clicked: 0 | comment | | source:
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Unlocking the Secrets of SEO: A Beginner's Guide to Analyzing Your WordPress Website

published 500 days, 19 hours, 27 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 509 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes ago
Thursday, January 19, 2023 2:47:26 PM GMT Tuesday, January 10, 2023 7:08:41 PM GMT
The blog post "How to Perform Website SEO Analysis on WordPress" provides a detailed guide on how to analyze and optimize the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website built on the WordPress platform. The post explains the importance of SEO analysis and how it can help improve a website's visibility and search engine rankings. The post begins by introducing the concept of SEO and its importance for website success. It then goes on to explain the different steps involved in performing an SEO analysis... (more)
category: WordPress | clicked: 1 | comment | | source:
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Mastering Java: Top 10 Concepts Every Developer Should Know

published 500 days, 19 hours, 27 minutes ago posted by DhruvDhruv 509 days, 17 hours, 26 minutes ago
Thursday, January 19, 2023 2:47:26 PM GMT Tuesday, January 10, 2023 4:48:31 PM GMT
This blog post by Tabnine discusses the top 10 core concepts of the Java programming language that every developer should know. The post begins by stating that mastering these concepts will allow developers to write more efficient and effective code in Java. The first concept discussed is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), which is the fundamental paradigm that Java is based on. OOP focuses on creating objects, which are instances of classes, and using them to perform tasks. The post explains that class... (more)
category: Java | clicked: 0 | comment | | source:
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10 Surprising Java Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Coding Skills

published 508 days, 21 hours, 12 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 516 days, 12 hours, 52 minutes ago
Wednesday, January 11, 2023 1:02:37 PM GMT Tuesday, January 3, 2023 9:23:02 PM GMT
This blog post provides tips and tricks for Java programming that can help improve coding skills. The first tip discussed is the use of the ternary operator, which is a concise way to write a simple if-else statement. The ternary operator takes the form "test ? true : false", and can be used to assign a value to a variable based on a boolean expression. The use of the ternary operator can help make code more readable and concise, especially when dealing with nested if-else statements. The second tip is ... (more)
category: Java | clicked: 2 | comment | | source:
tags: Java, Tips
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Flutter Payment App from Scratch for IOS and Android

published 572 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes ago posted by amindhudiamindhudi 887 days, 9 hours, 42 minutes ago
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 2:05:53 PM GMT Wednesday, December 29, 2021 12:32:16 AM GMT
In this video presentation. He teaches flutter mobile app development from basic to advance. The way of his teaching is outstanding, he covers all topics and scenarios which are needed to develop a modern and featured Payment App using flutter framework which is developed and maintained by google. Flutter community is growing rapidly across the world. In this video presentation. He teaches flutter mobile app development from basic to advance. The way of his teaching is outstanding, he covers all topics a... (more)
category: Other | clicked: 31 | comment | | source:
spam Like Dislike Is The Best FREE Alternative To Google's Feedburner

published 865 days, 18 hours, 36 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 874 days, 20 hours, 4 minutes ago
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 3:38:45 PM GMT Monday, January 10, 2022 2:10:24 PM GMT
If you have a WordPress website, blog, or even a website running on a another platform, the de-facto choice for publishing your RSS feeds was Google's Feedburner for the longest time. However, Google disabled Feedburner email subscriptions feature in July 2021, leaving many website publishers in search of something to take it's place. Features (more)
category: WordPress | clicked: 2 | comment | | source:
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Become a Salesforce Developer or Admin at MyTutorialRack

published 886 days, 14 hours, 1 minute ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 886 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 8:14:08 PM GMT Wednesday, December 29, 2021 1:06:11 PM GMT
So you want to become a Salesforce developer? Good choice! Salesforce developers are in high demand and companies are paying top dollar for highly qualified and experienced Salesforce developers and admins. Salesforce is prolific in companies around the world. It is hard to find a company these days that is not using Salesforce, or is planning to move to Salesforce. Because of this, "Salesforce Developer" is one of the hottest job roles on the market today. Salesforce is a fun and rewarding development... (more)
category: Salesforce | clicked: 3 | 1 comment | | source:
tags: Certification, Salesforce
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Flutter Basic Training - 12 Minute Bootcamp - YouTube

published 886 days, 14 hours, 1 minute ago posted by amindhudiamindhudi 887 days, 11 hours, 16 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 8:14:08 PM GMT Tuesday, December 28, 2021 10:58:58 PM GMT
In this video presentation, Fireship teaches you how to start programming in flutter in 12 minutes to give you all basic overview of flutter application. This introductory level video make you to be able to start to build your own cross platform mobile appl. After visiting this story, if you enjoyed it, please show the author some love by coming back and clicking Like button and leaving a comment. (more)
category: Python | clicked: 0 | comment | | source:
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Apex Programming Tutorial for Beginners : Data Types, Variables and Constants

published 886 days, 14 hours, 1 minute ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 893 days, 20 hours, 20 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 8:14:08 PM GMT Wednesday, December 22, 2021 1:54:45 PM GMT
In this video presentation, Deepika Khanna teaches you how to program in Salesforce using Apex, the Salesforce back-end programming languages, by introducing you to the various Apex Data Types, Variables, and Constants. (more)
category: Salesforce | clicked: 1 | comment | | source:
tags: Apex, Video
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Salesforce Administrator Certification Course / Training

published 886 days, 14 hours, 1 minute ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 893 days, 20 hours, 23 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 8:14:08 PM GMT Wednesday, December 22, 2021 1:51:45 PM GMT
Are you preparing for your Salesforce Administrator Certification? Some folks like to go at it alone but others like a more structured approached to prepare for the Salesforce(201) Admin Certification exam. In her video presentation, Deepika Khanna guides you through the various topics you will need to know and understand to get a passing score. (more)
category: Salesforce | clicked: 3 | comment | | source:
tags: Admin, Certification
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When and When Not To Use NOLOCK

published 886 days, 20 hours, 57 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 896 days, 19 hours, 8 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 1:17:53 PM GMT Sunday, December 19, 2021 3:06:48 PM GMT
To NOLOCK or Not to NOLOCK... That is the question. Lots of developers who don't fully understand the requirements of their application or how NOLOCK works will indiscriminately add NOLOCK to all of the SQL queries. But doing so isn't always the best decision. Brent Ozar describes some times when it is beneficial to use NOLOCK and times where it isn't the right choice. (more)
category: SQL Server | clicked: 1 | comment | | source:
tags: MS SQL, Performance
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Good Reasons Not To Use SQL Server To Send Emails

published 886 days, 20 hours, 57 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 896 days, 19 hours, 15 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 29, 2021 1:17:53 PM GMT Sunday, December 19, 2021 2:59:45 PM GMT
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Over the years, I have seen my fair share of complex SQL Server applications, where loads of business logic exist in stored procedures and cursors churn through thousands of records handling complex business rules and sending out emails. But there are some really good reasons not to send emails from SQL Server. In his blog, Brent Ozar describes some of these reasons. (more)
category: SQL Server | clicked: 3 | comment | | source:
tags: Email, MS SQL
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Want to get a job as a programmer? Learn these high demand languages.

published 893 days, 18 hours, 54 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 898 days, 19 hours, 29 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 22, 2021 3:20:14 PM GMT Friday, December 17, 2021 2:46:01 PM GMT
Are you wanting a new career as programmer and don't know where to start? There are so many choices of specialization in the programming world that is can be incredibly overwhelming to decide what programming languages to learn and even harder to know which ones are in demand. The good news is, most programming language concepts are transferable, so even if you decide to learn, let's say PHP today, it will be far easier for you to pickup another language, such as JSP, as many of the concepts are transfe... (more)
category: PHP | clicked: 5 | comment | | source:
tags: JavaScript, PHP, Python, Video
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12+ Things You MUST DO Before Changing WordPress Themes

published 893 days, 18 hours, 54 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 901 days, 13 hours, 38 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 22, 2021 3:20:14 PM GMT Tuesday, December 14, 2021 8:36:37 PM GMT
Are you wondering what you should do before you change WordPress themes? When switching your WordPress theme, there are few very important steps that you must take to ensure the process is smooth, and you don’t lose any important data. In this WordPress checklist, we’ll share the top things you must do before you change WordPress themes. (more)
category: WordPress | clicked: 4 | comment | | source:
tags: Theme
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How to Add Product Tags, Attributes, and Categories to WooCommerce

published 893 days, 18 hours, 54 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 901 days, 13 hours, 41 minutes ago
Wednesday, December 22, 2021 3:20:14 PM GMT Tuesday, December 14, 2021 8:33:52 PM GMT
Do you want to learn how to add tags, attributes, and categories to your WooCommerce products? By optimizing your WooCommerce product listings, you can help your visitors find what they’re looking for and get more traffic from search engines and social media. In this article, we’ll show you how to add product tags, attributes, categories, and more in WooCommerce, step by step. (more)
category: WordPress | clicked: 1 | comment | | source:
tags: WooCommerce
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The Many Faces of DISTINCT in PostgreSQL

published 896 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 905 days, 19 hours, 57 minutes ago
Sunday, December 19, 2021 4:44:10 PM GMT Friday, December 10, 2021 2:18:07 PM GMT
I started my programming career as an Oracle DBA. It took a few years but eventually I got fed up with the corporate world and I went about doing my own thing. After I gotten over not having proper partitions and MERGE statement, I found some nice unique features in PostgreSQL. Oddly enough, a lot of them contained the word DISTINCT. (more)
category: PostgreSQL | clicked: 1 | comment | | source:
tags: SQL
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9 Django Tips for Working with Databases

published 896 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 905 days, 20 hours ago
Sunday, December 19, 2021 4:44:10 PM GMT Friday, December 10, 2021 2:14:17 PM GMT
ORMs offer great utility for developers but abstracting access to the database has its costs. Developers who are willing to poke around the database and change some defaults often find that great improvements can be made. (more)
category: Django | clicked: 1 | comment | | source:
tags: ORM, Performance, PostgreSQL, SQL
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Be Careful With CTE in PostgreSQL

published 896 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes ago posted by matthewpomarmatthewpomar 905 days, 20 hours, 42 minutes ago
Sunday, December 19, 2021 4:44:10 PM GMT Friday, December 10, 2021 1:32:43 PM GMT
PostgreSQL, SQL, PerformanceHow to avoid common pitfalls with common table expressions in PostgreSQL Common table expressions (CTE), also known as the WITH clause, are a very useful feature. They help break down big queries into smaller pieces which makes it easier to read and understand. PostgreSQL Version This article is intended for PostgreSQL versions 11 and prior. Starting at version 12, PostgreSQL changed the way it treats CTE to prevent the issues described in this article.Wha... (more)
category: PostgreSQL | clicked: 0 | comment | | source:
tags: Performance, SQL